Openkm is divided into several areas, such as taxonomy, dashboard, administration, where we can create users, assign roles and profiles.
In the taxonomy area is where files are created, and the documents stored. The category area is where they can be created, which are used as one of the methods to classify documentation. They can be added to the documents manually or automatically and make a more granular records classification.
The area of the templates allows us to create them, which can be used to create documents and attach metadata to them.
The Personal Documents area is an OpenKM field assigned to system users and allows them to privately store documents that may not yet be uploaded to the system to be viewed by all the users.
The mailing area allows us to link OpenKM to users' e-mails to preserve them.
The Trash bin area keeps documents that have been deleted by users pending permanent deletion by an authorized user.
We can also appreciate user-level and role-based notifications. Notifications are made through emails. The mail sent contains a link to the document so that it can be seen by the notified user or users.
The third level of categorization is to use metadata, an XML file that allows us to create different document classification fields. Creating metadata is very simple, and they can be free text, dates, expiration, mandatory, or not. The metadata is assigned when a document is added and can be done manually or automatically.
Searches in OpenKM are very diverse and can be done at the level of the document name, text within the document, user who created it, and creation date.
You can also search by keywords, by categories, and by the assigned metadata.
OpenKM allows you to make automatic mappings based on fields read by the OCR within a document. Templates need to be created to enable the OCR system to classify those documents.
OpenKM makes it easy to create users and roles; each user must be assigned one or more roles according to their position in the company
OpenKM allows you to create relationships between documents.
OpenKM allows you to subscribe to documents to receive notifications when any changes are made to them
OpenKM allows you to create workflows, you can also create and assign tasks to users.
OpenKM also allows you to make granular control of changes made to documents.