Written by Ana Canteli on November 07, 2017
Selecting the enterprise content management tool more appropriate for our company, should not become an overwhelming task. Although it means a dose of analysis to identify and determine the requirements. And therefore our expectations when choosing the most appropriate ecm software. It requires also time to be able to test the different tools available in the market and thus evaluate their strenghts; so you can choose the most successful enterprise content management system.
If you're looking to centralize document management, storing information, promote collaboration between staff and save documents securely; then document management systems are the solution you are looking for. In this aspect OpenKM offers its document management system, which allows organizations to easily manage content, simplifying their work and increasing the efficiency of the company as a whole. Regarding to files, through the propertie’s pannel linked to the contents (folders, emails, documents, etc.) users can assign keywords, categories. Insert notes. Through the history tab, they exercise version control; which enable users to manage the document's life cycle.
If the management of records or files is your priority, OpenKM can also be your ideal content management system. In an era in which contents are generated faster than our capacity to manage them in a conventional way; the features offered by the software allow document and content management, so that it is possible to apply the most convenient record management strategy for the company. Many times a mandatory legal requirement.
If workflow management is an important condition for choosing an ecm software, OpenKM can also be the solution for this scenario. The enterprise content management system of OpenKM incorporates a workflow engine that allows the definition of workflow automations that are carried out within the company. In addition, features such as the activity log, offer audit trial; an analytical tool that provides detailed information about all events related to document management processes (forms processing, contract management, etc. )This information, as well as the existence and status of the workflow, can be accessible to both users and administrators.
If collaboration and content management within the company is your main concern, OpenKM can help in this situation. The user interface, apart from being customizable thanks to the Kcenter platform; at the standard level it is very intuitive, facilitating the user experience and acceptance by the staff, from the first moment. It also allows exercising security control at granular level, so through various levels of security, the users will access the environments, features, folders and documents that are necessary for the development of their activities. OpenKM is a multiplatform application, so from any location, through PC, tablet or Smartphone thanks the mobile app; you can access the ecm software. The content management system can also be used for email management.
Besides,if you want to use the ECM content management solution to publish part of them via intranet or extranet as web content, you can also use OpenKM for that purpose. The software offers enterprise application integration with Joomla or Wordpress; apart from that KCenter platform can be used as website builder or to create news distribution services (i.e RSS services). In this way, the users in charge of the social media management can be informed of any event; maintain communication among the staff and perform the web content management to offer the specific information expected for the target audience.
One of the strengths of OpenKM's enterprise content management system is its ability to integrate with third-party applications. Thanks to its Open Source technology, if the company already has other business content tools, such as CRM or ERPs; the free software application facilitates integration, thanks to its complete API available through the OpenKM Knowledge Center - which centralizes all the documentation related to the software. Including the SDK's for JAVA, PHP and .NET. In addition to extra applications that are part of the OpenKM suite (such as the electronic signature assistant, the scanner client, the import station, among others). The data storage can be configured for any database such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or SQL Server, among others.
All this contributes to consolidate the enterprise content generated in different environments, within the suite of applications of the organization.
Companies have different needs depending on the sector of activity and its size .
The acquisition of an enterprise content management system is a strategic decision; the management software is intended to be useful for the company's personnel and objectives in the medium and long term. It is the tool that allows the digitalization of paper documents, reducing costs, or promote the paperless office. Facilitating the management of business processes and business procedures throughout the organization, avoiding place and time as limitations to information management; or offering the product or service that the customer demands.
OpenKM is currently present in all economic sectors: from public administrations, through the health sector, education, banking and finance; companies dedicated to the service sector, energy, or technology. Since its launch in 2004, the software has demonstrated versatility and adaptability.
Small and medium companies can opt for the Cloud computing version of the ecm enterprise content management system and as they grow, they can migrate to the server version.
With OpenKM they can capture, manage, store and preserve the documentation of the whole company, offering a platform for both business processes (human resources, administration) and business process management (approval of purchases, sales, delivery of content or documentation to stackeholders...). All in tune with the general vision of the company, which is applied through the business content management system, that allows runs properly business processes, cost reduction, and the compliance of the information governance plan throughout the organization.
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